Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Michigan Snow Project

The weather here has been pretty schizophrenic lately. It has been up in the 30's and down in the teens this week. Some days the sun is out, and other days it's grey skys all day.
Recently, I have been warned of something called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. It is a type of depression that affects some people when they are sun deprived.
Here is a link:

This is something that I had not even heard of living in Arizona, and it kinda freaks me out a little.
I know enough about my personality, and I could easily join the SAD people, but I wont!
And here is why, first I have been taking my Vit. D, second, I have been going outside as often as possible while the sun is out, and third, I am going to be proactive in making sure I dont.

So, on New Year's day I started a new project I call the Michigan Snow Project. This consisted of making as many snow people along our street and in our yard as I could muster the energy to do. Here are the photos:
This is the first one I worked on. It is closest to the house and the largest.

Then I decided that the large snow person needed minions.

Here they are all together.

Once I got enough in our yard, I started moving down the street.

This one in our next door neighbor's yard.
This one by the mail box will hopefully will make our mail person smile.

This one is my favorite with the ice sickle mohawk.

By the stop sign, this one gets a lot of attention.

At the stop sign on the other side of the street.

In another neighbor's yard.

 So, I made a total of 20 snow people (some not photographed) and while I was making them I was surprised by the responses that I got and continue to get from people. Some looked at me like I was crazy, some complimented me, and lots of people smiled and laughed.
I hope that doing crazy things like this will keep me far away from SAD, and will help some of my neighbors do the same.

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