Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Michigan Glass Project

Yesterday was Studio Day at my friend's studio; AnnMarie Stanesa Glass Art. A group of us get together to share our creative energy and melt some glass. There was another event going on this weekend, the Michigan Glass Project event, so we decided to take a trip to Detroit and support this great cause.
The Michigan Glass Project(MGP) is a non-profit that is associated with the Oregon Glass Project, Colorado Glass Project and the Arizona Glass Project. They are an awesome group of glass artists that come together to raise money for charity. The MGP is raising money for the re-opening of the Belle Isle Aquarium in Detroit. The Belle Isle Aquarium is the oldest continually operating aquarium in North America. It opened in 1904 and closed tin 2005 due to lack of money. The Friends of Belle Island have been trying to raise enough money to re-open it since 2005. Here are some photos of the event and the Aquarium and a link to the Michigan Glass Project page.

Making pieces to be auctioned.


Pendants for sale


Here is the inside of the Bell Isle Aquarium



A tank full of Cichlids


The aquarium would let you sponsor a tank in need of repairs. The money would pay for the repairs so it could be filled with water again. 
This is the tank the MGP sponsored, it is full of glass creations that will be auctioned off and given as a donation to the aquarium. AnnMarie and I brought some of our glass to be donated. They put it right into the tank while we were there. It was really rewarding to be next to some great artists.

Here is my starfish pendant going in


Here is AnnMarie's seahorse pendant going in

This is AnnMarie. Her website is here: